Economic Development

Dick Glover understood that a local economy is only as strong as its local businesses. To that end, he listened carefully to entrepreneurs and helped them cut through the tangles of red tape that can be extremely frustrating. Dick knew that in addition to providing jobs and services, businesses bear the brunt of the tax burden, making it possible for Henrico to deliver the highest level of services at the least cost to residential property owners.

History and Culture

Without the luster of art and the force of history, life lacks flavor. A sense of place is lost; the quality of life diminished. Dick Glover invested a lot of time and effort into preserving Henrico’s heritage by protecting important edifices along the Mountain Road corridor — a sort of historic roadway linking the county’s past to its present. From Walkerton, Meadow Farm, and RF&P Park, to a vintage filling station and the cupola of the old Forest Lodge, Mountain Road contains some of the best preserved historic places in all of Henrico County.

Lower Tax Rates

Although Henrico’s budget process is lengthier and more exhaustive than most other localities, Dick Glover touted its efficiency as the reason he was able to back six successive real estate tax rate reductions in his time on the Board of Supervisors. By the end of his tenure, those cuts had gradually dropped Henrico’s tax burden on homeowners to the lowest rate of Virginia’s fourteen largest localities.

Parks and Recreation

A municipality with insufficient parks and recreation facilities is like a house without a backyard. Dick committed himself to bringing the very best park system to the residents of Henrico County, and the resulting amenities he championed will continue to attract new residents and businesses to the county for many years to come.

Public Safety

One of Dick Glover’s chief concerns as a Supervisor was preserving safe communities. After all, if you don’t feel safe in your own home or on the streets, anxiety can be overwhelming. Without the men and women who protect our homes and families from the ravages of fire, accidental injury and crime, the Brookland District would cease to be a desirable place to live.

Schools and Libraries

One of Dick Glover’s top priorities was always investing in Henrico’s real future — its children. He understood that the best citizens are well-educated and informed. His commitment to quality public education over the years was unwavering. Great schools not only attract businesses and residents to the community, but they reduce teen pregnancy, crime and other social ailments. After all, a good education is essential to a full, happy and successful life.