When Dick Glover was first elected as Henrico Supervisor, he promised to be visible, receptive and responsive. His relentless pursuit of citizen feedback has benefited Henrico with safe communities, modern libraries and schools, and top-notch sports and entertainment venues.
But Henrico residents not only want the County to offer great resources; they want them provided at the most affordable “price” possible. Fortunately, the Henrico Board of Supervisors utilizes a rare budget process that requires each of its department to justify anew all categories of expenses on an annual basis. This conservative approach to budgeting, along with a robust retail community generating a sizable portion of its sales tax revenue from visitors to the County, reduces the need for additional revenue.
Although Henrico’s budget process is lengthier and more exhaustive than most other localities, Dick Glover touted its efficiency as the reason he was able to back six successive real estate tax rate reductions in his time on the Board of Supervisors. By the end of his tenure, those cuts had gradually dropped Henrico’s tax burden on homeowners to the lowest rate of Virginia’s fourteen largest localities.
A low real estate tax rate doesn’t just benefit homeowners; It helps business owners, too. When employers consider new locations to do business, Henrico’s low real estate tax rate often helps to seal the deal. County residents benefit from expanded job opportunities and a greater demand for goods and services, which are provided by businesses already here.